Fall 2022 All Farmer Newsletter

Fall 2022 All Farmer Newsletter

Fall 2022 All Farmer Newsletter

October 2022 Edition

Agriculture & Natural Resources
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Don’t forget to take advantage of the many services offered by Extension!
Soil Testing
Nitrate Testing
Manure Testing
Plant Disease Diagnostics
Weed & Insect Identification
Seed Testing Services
Hay Testing
On-farm visits
These are just a few of the services that local citizens have the opportunity to utilize. To learn more, come
see us at 300 N. Main St!
Thanks to a grant from the Kentucky State Cost Share Environmental Grant, the Simpson County
Conservation District is offering FREE soil sample vouchers ($8.00 value, limited quantity) to be used at the
Simpson County Extension Office for soil sample testing. For Simpson County Residents ONLY (limit 4 per
All ag lime is not created equal! All quarries in Simpson and surrounding counties are in the Fall KDA Report
which will help to insure that you are getting the most effective lime available for your dollar. Go to the
following website to view recent Relative Neutralizing Value (RNV) test results per the Kentucky Department
of Agriculture for quarries throughout Kentucky and surrounding states. http://soils.rs.uky.edu/